Supporting Educators
At Thrive Birth to Five, we believe that every child in Virginia deserves the opportunity to succeed from the very beginning. Our mission is to ensure that all children arrive at school ready to learn—regardless of their race, place or income.
We are dedicated to supporting high-quality early childhood care and education experiences that lay a strong foundation for lifelong success. We know that high quality interactions are happening all across the central region, in all types of early care and education settings including family child care, center-based programs, religiously exempt programs and public-schools. The Virginia Department of Education recognizes your commitment to quality early care and education through the Quality Rating Profiles.

Steps to Successful Early Care Programs
Early care programs depend on various resources to ensure their success. These resources may include funding, training for educators, curriculum materials, and community partnerships, all aimed at creating effective learning environments for children.
VQB5 – Virginia’s Quality Measurement and Improvement System
Virginia is focused on preparing all children for kindergarten by ensuring they have quality teaching and learning experiences tailored to their unique needs. In response to state law, the Unified Virginia Quality Birth to Five System (VQB5) has been developed to assess and enhance the quality of publicly funded birth-to-five classrooms. VQB5 measures the quality of infant, toddler and preschool teaching and learning based on two nationally recognized quality indicators: interactions and curriculum.
- Measuring Quality Interactions
The quality of teacher-child interactions is measured in a developmentally-appropriate way with the use of the CLASS tool. VQB5 sites are required to complete two types of CLASS observations: local and external observations.
- Measuring Use of Quality Curriculum
Quality is measured through the optional use of a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with Virginia’s early learning and development standards.
Licensing is an important step for ensuring quality child care, which significantly affects children’s learning, development, and behavior. Becoming a licensed care provider in Virginia demonstrates a commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for children.
Virginia’s Early Learning & Development Standards (ELDS)
At the core of the ELDS is the belief that all children in Virginia deserve to build on their capabilities, and deserve to start school ready to learn. Related to that conviction is the belief that early childhood caregivers and educators need access to clear, actionable guidance that supports their understanding of how children develop and the associated skills that emerge as they actively engage with their environment.
Early Childhood Curriculum
Research shows that stimulating and supportive interactions between teachers and children, and effective use of quality curriculum promotes children’s holistic learning and development, resulting in improved school readiness.
Curriculum is a key ingredient to helping teachers improve their interactions, providing ways to create nurturing and responsive practices and environments that foster trust and emotional security.
Additional Resources
Mixed Delivery
Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Grant
Become a Subsidy Vendor
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
MCCYN Fee Assistance Program
Child Care Business guides and videos
Child Care Financing Program
Child Care Aware of Virginia Support and Services Guide
Opening a Child Care Business in Virginia
Hiring and Onboarding Guide
Virginia Shared Services Network
ECE Resource Hub
Virginia’s Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS)
Virginia Department of Education Provider Resources
The Pyramid Model for Promoting Social/Emotional Competence in Young Children
Educator Resources for Learn the Signs. Act Early.
Family Child Care Tool Kit
Preventing Suspensions and Expulsions
Standing Together Against Suspension & Expulsion in Early Childhood
Suspension/Expulsion - Build Initiative
Business Supports from VECF
Child Development Associate (CDA)
Child Development Training from ChildSavers
Child Development Training from VDOE
College Scholarships | Child Care VA
G3 Program
Virginia Infant and Toddler Specialist Network (VITSN)
Better Kid Care - On Demand distance education system
Greater Richmond SCAN - Training and Screening Events
PD Essentials - Preparing VA’s early childhood PD Providers
Emergency Preparedness for Child Care Providers
Sample Emergency Action Plan
Trauma Toolkit
Safe Sleep
Project Hope - Homelessness Awareness
Project Hope - Supporting Young Children Experiencing Homelessness
Project Hope - What Educators Can Do
Gun Safety in Early Care Environments
Virginia’s Breastfeeding Friendly Early Care Recognition
Get In Touch
Connect with Thrive Birth to Five to learn more.