Inspired by the fact that 80% of brain growth happens in the first three years of life, The Basics are five evidence-based principles that encompass much of what experts find is important for children during their earliest years. Every child from every background can benefit from routinely experiencing these five fun, simple, and powerful ways to boost young children’s brain development and learning. Basics initiatives are emerging around the United States and across the world.
Our local initiative, RVA Basics, is comprised of numerous diverse partners working together to support the healthy development of young children by achieving socioecological saturation of The Basics in the Greater Richmond region. By combining forces with existing nonprofits and community leaders, RVA Basics hopes to better support parents and caregivers, to increase the number of children who enter kindergarten ready to learn by closing prevalent achievement gaps, and to increase awareness of the critical importance of a child’s earliest years. Visit us at