Learn more about the Federal Program

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

About CACFP and Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults who are enrolled for care at participating childcare centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers. CACFP also provides reimbursements for meals served to children and youth participating in after school care programs, children residing in emergency shelters, and adults over the age of 60 or living with a disability and enrolled in day care facilities. CACFP contributes to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children and adults in the United States.

Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond supports CACFP by working collaboratively with a focus group to increase participation among childcare providers and family day homes in the greater Richmond area. Also, we assist with local events that engage families in developing health lifestyles and accessing affordable and nutritious food.  For more information about CACFP click here: https://www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp